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Dental Public Health at a Glance

di Chestnutt  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students and newly qualified practitioners, for its concise and simple approach and excellent illustrations.
Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text.
Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond.
Everything you need to know about Dental Public Health… at a Glance!
The essential reference covering the field of dental public health
Dental Public Health at a Glance, presents a rich introduction to dental and oral health issues in communities and populations. Offering comprehensive coverage of the field, each topic is richly illustrated and presented in an easy-to-comprehend two-page spread. The essential facts are clearly summarized and accompanied by tables, illustrations, and diagrams.
This revised and updated Second Edition presents a variety of updates, including the importance of population perspective on healthcare organization and delivery due to COVID-19 and other pandemics and the role to be played by dental services in contributing to the environmental agenda. It also addresses a number of revisions to important policy documents such as the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition’s report on feeding 1-5 year olds, emerging views on behavior change, and the increasing prominence of the Behavior Change Wheel.Written by a widely published dental academic with more than 25 years of experience in the field, Dental Public Health includes information on:
• Principles of measuring and recording oral health and the epidemiology of dental caries, periodontal diseases, and oral cancer
• Study design, case reports, cohort studies, randomized controlled trials, and split-mouth and crossover studies in evidence based dentistry
• Strategies for the delivery of fluoride in the prevention of dental caries, covering toothpaste, water fluoridation, and community fluoride schemes and fissure sealant programs
• Societal factors influencing dental care including migration, race, and ethnicity
• Considerations for a career in dental public health
Offering new revisions throughout all essential areas and case studies to enable enhanced understanding of concepts, Dental Public Health at a Glance is a must-have introductory textbook and revision guide for dentistry and dental hygiene and therapy students.


ISBN: 9781394184316

Titolo: Dental Public Health at a Glance


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21,5x27 cm

Pagine: 144

Peso: 0.5 kg