Common Diseases of Companion Animals
di Summers • 2013 • dettagli prodotto
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This concise, user-friendly volume is the only guide to common diseases of companion animals available and is a vital tool for the critical situations veterinary technicians encounter every day. It presents complete coverage of disease treatment in every kind of companion animal and gives you the thorough understanding of diseases you’ll need for the most effective treatment planning, implementation, and client follow-up. Disease information is presented in a consistent monograph format for succinct, reliable reference, and the book’s logical body systems approach makes it easy to find what you need when you need it!New to this editionNEW! Introductory chapter on pathophysiology provides information on the foundations of disease and the body’s response to disease before proceeding to the specific diseases of each system.NEW! Expanded nursing care sections include descriptions of changes in clinical signs with improvement or decline that will affect treatment, as well as more Tech Alerts to highlight the veterinary technician’s responsibilities.NEW! An increase in the number and variety of review questions, including open-ended critical thinking questions.NEW! Full-color design and illustration program reinforces what diseases look like - such as signs exhibited in the animal, in lab specimens, and in surgical corrections - and demonstrates techniques, such as urethral catheter placement in a female cat.NEW! Vet Tech Threads direct learning by outlining key terms, learning objectives, and the glossary.NEW! Pageburst eBook interactive features offer a dynamic learning environment.
ISBN: 9780323101264
Titolo: Common Diseases of Companion Animals
Autori: Summers
Editore: Elsevier - Mosby
Volume: Unico
Edizione: III 2013
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 21x27 cm
Pagine: 602