Canine and Feline Theriogenology
di Johnston - Root Kustritz - Olson • 2001 • dettagli prodotto

Canineand Feline Theriogenologyis the only comprehensive, up-to-date textbook on small animal reproduction available. Veterinary management of normal reproduction and reproductive disorders in the male and female dog and cat are covered in detail, including such topics as sexual differentiation and normal anatomy, breeding management, use of chilled and frozen semen, pregnancy and parturition, neonatal care, clinical approach to infertility, and diseases of each of the reproductive organs. Some chapters address the pet overpopulation problem in the United States and approaches to population control in these species. This book is an invaluable resource to veterinarians, veterinary students, and others interested in companion animal reproduction Contents:I. The Bitch1. Sexual Differentiation and Normal Anatomy of the Bitch2. The Estrous Cycle3. Vaginal Cytology4. Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination of the Bitch5. Canine Pregnancy6. Canine Parturition: Eutocia and Dystocia7. Periparturient Disorders in the Bitch8. The Neonate: Birth to Weaning9. Prevention and Termination of Canine Pregnancy10. Disorders of the Canine Ovary11. Disorders of the Canine Uterus and Uterine Tubes (Oviducts)12. Disorders of the Canine Vagina, Vestibule, and Vulva13. Disorders of the Mammary Glands of the Bitch14. Clinical Approach to Infertility in the BitchII. The Dog15. Sexual Differentiation and Normal Anatomy o f the Dog16. Semen Collection, Evaluation, and Preservation17. Prevention of Fertility in the Male Dog18. Disorders of the Canine Testes and Epididymides19. Disorders of the Canine Scrotum20. Disorders of the Canine Prostate21. Disorders of the Canine Penis and Prepuce22. Disorders of the Mammary Gland of the Male Dog23. Clinical Approach to Infertility in the MaleIII. The Queen24. Sexual Differentiation and Normal Anatomy of the Queen25. The Feline Estrous Cycle26. Breeding Management, Artificial Insemination, In Vitro Fertilization, and Embryo Transfer in the Queen27. Feline Pregnancy28. Feline Parturition29. The Postpartum Period in the Cat30. Prevention and Termination of Feline Pregnancy31. Disorders of the Feline Ovary32. Disorders of the Feline Uterus and Uterine Tubes (Oviducts)33. Disorders of the Feline Vagina, Vestibule, and Vulva34. Disorders of the Mammary Glands of the Queen35. Clinical Approach to the Complaint of Infertility in the QueenIV. The Tom36. Sexual Differentiation and Normal Anatomy o f the Tom Cat16. Semen Collection and Evaluation in the Cat17. Prevention of Fertility in the Tom Cat18. Disorders of the Feline Testes and Epididymides20. Disorders of the Feline Prostate and Bulbourethral Gland21. Disorders of the Feline Penis and Prepuce22. Disorders of the Male Mammary Gland in the Cat23. Clinical Approach to the Complaint of Infertility in the Cat
ISBN: 9780721656076
Titolo: Canine and Feline Theriogenology
Autori: Johnston - Root Kustritz - Olson
Editore: Elsevier - Saunders
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2001
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 18x26 cm
Pagine: 592
Peso: 2.7 kg