Dental Practice Tool Kit - Patient Handouts, Forms, and Letters
di Mosby • 2004 • dettagli prodotto

This book/CD-ROM package is a must have for any dental practice. Both book and CD-ROM provide office records and tracking forms for routine office procedures; helpful letters to insurance providers and new patients; referral letters to specialists; information on the latest HIPAA guidelines; a wealth of informative patient education handouts, and so much more. But that's not even the best part! Use the CD-ROM to easily customize any of these documents to suit your own dental practice and individual patient needs. No more "form letters" - tailor the material to appear as though it was actually produced and generated by your office. Your patients and colleagues will appreciate the personal attention and friendly approach in all of your written communications. Table of Contents: Part 1: BUSINESS/FRONT OFFICESection 1 Practice Administration Section 2 Patient Letters and Forms Section 3 Insurance Narratives Section 4 Referral Letters and FormsPart 2: PATIENT EDUCATIONSection 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Section 6 Endodontics Section 7 General Dentistry Section 8 Orthodontics Section 9 Pediatric Dentistry Section 10 Periodontics Section 11 Prosthodontics Section 12 Restorative Dentistry Section 13 Patient Education PacketsIllustrationsEducational Packet Cover Art
ISBN: 9780323025096
Titolo: Dental Practice Tool Kit - Patient Handouts, Forms, and Letters
Autori: Mosby
Editore: Elsevier - Mosby
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2004
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 21x27 cm
Pagine: 704
Peso: 1.6 kg